
008 James Schramko | Surfs The Waves & Create Successful Businesses

James Schramko is no stranger to those in the internet marketing space. As an astute student of some of the best early internet marketers, he has taken what he has learned and built upon it to create the Super Fast Business empire. An ardent proponent of what he's coined 'Owning the Racetrack', James truly shines at testing and tweaking all aspects of his business. He has used that approach to launch not just one, but 5 podcasts! He's got the process down to a science, and focuses his time on the tasks that only he is good it, ensuring that the remaining repeatable processes are outsourced, for maximum efficiency!

Show Highlights
  • 4:58 - Challenges when podcasters achieve fame early and the importance of recurring income
  • 5:58 - Why time is a harsh teacher
  • 6:58 - Like most markets there's only room at the top for a few strong performers
  • 7:30 - When did James understand the importance of recurring income
  • 9:00 - Why it's so important to segment your audience
  • 10:17 - The great thing about online is the immediate feedback and frequency of communication
  • 11:45 - How successful marketers make the best use of tracking behavior
  • 14:00 - How James understood the importance of frequent podcasting
  • 16:30 - Why James is currently high on podcasting
  • 17:15 - How James was able to write his upcoming book without typing a single word
  • 18:00 - Why James has fun with controversy on his podcasts
  • 19:05 - Why the importance of spending more time with a guest ensures you know them better
  • 20:15 - Why James is definitely not a Joe Rogan fan
  • 21:15 - Why comedy is good for engaging as well as entertaining
  • 22:10 - The launch of the Kicking Back podcast
  • 23:40 - Why it's important to be vulnerable and let yourself grow
  • 26:20 - The best device you have is the one you have in your pocket
  • 27:50 - Why you should never miss a moment to create content and importance of frequency
  • 29:40 - Why it's easier to get away with more cheese
  • 31:10 - The importance of being open to new experiences
  • 31:40 - James has only been surfing for 3 months but you never would have guessed it
  • 33:20 - When your obsessed by something you want to know it back to front
  • 35:30 - Why it's OK and important to keep falling flat on your face
  • 36:30 - How each podcast scratches a unique itch
  • 38:55 - James does only the work that James can do
  • 40:00 - The importance of making yourself redundant
  • 42:10 - 4% of the things you do will get you 64% of the results
  • 45:40 - The importance of community

FULL SHOW NOTES: http://www.podcastjunkies.com/8

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Podcast Junkies - Conversations with Fascinating Podcasters
The Podcaster's Voice

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Harry Duran

Lots to cover here, this might be a good start: https://fullcast.co/hdbio